Turbo Wordle Help Page

If you would like us to keep track of your performance, enter a username followed by a string of digits. The digits will serve as a password/unique identifier, and will not be displayed. For example, if you enter Sheri0434522, your user name will be Sheri. The digits are to ensure that your statistics don't get mixed up with a different Sheri.
Top Ten Players:
The panel to the left shows the top ten players at the selected level. The list is sorted by average number of guesses. IF you don't enter a Username, you will be counted with the Anybody user. To instead sort by Guess Efficiency, press the space bar.
Ten Words:
After the initial guess, the panel to the left will show the top ten guesses, and will include your guess in RED. The number to the right of your word is the expected amount of information gained with your guess. The actual amount of information gained can be higher or lower than the expected amount. If the word shown is a possible solution, a plus sign is appended to the bits.
Secret Word Selection:
A new secret word is chosen for all 6 levels at midnight every day. The word selection process has logic to avoid picking the same word too often at any given level.
The slider to the right selects the dictionary of words to choose from. The levels get harder as you go up. The default is the Wordle Dictionary. The bottom level has only 25 words, suitable for young children.
Easter Egg 1:
If, after you type in your first guess, you press ESC instead of Enter your guess becomes the secret word. This feature can be used to challenge friends or to input the NYT wordle and assess your guesses.
Easter Egg 2:
The number of bits of infomration remaining in the puzzle is displayed black-on-black. You can highlight it to reveal, but it's sort of cheating.
Mr. Perfect:
Mr. Perfect always selects the word that will yield the most bits of information, assuming each word in the list of possbile solutions is equally likely. This is actually subtlely less than perfect for a couple reasons, so maybe you can beat him!
Mr. Greedy
Mr. Greedy always guesses a word which can be the correct solution. Among this subset of words, he selects the one which will yield the most information. Mr. Greedy is beatable, but he's still pretty good!
Not all features are fully implemented. Click HERE to request more features.
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